Spicy Zucchini Chips

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So. Happy Friday, lovelies! Or lovely, since it appears that only ThaiHoa is reading this. LOVE YOU!!

Okay. Moving on.

I got the brilliant idea yesterday to make some raw almond butter. Yup. I’m a full-on domesticated-type goddess-person…at least I like to think so.

I broke my blender trying to make Almond Butter.

food processorApparently I’m NOT.

Not at all. My almond butter is more like almond paste. In all fairness, my little 8-cup Cuisanart food processor probably doesn’t have a motor powerful enough to justify using it to make nut butters…at least that’s what I discovered as smoke started to come out of its base and a horrific screeching noise came from the actual blade. Yeah. Not my proudest moment. So…now I need a new food processor.

Now I have almond paste. It will serve it’s purpose for this morning’s breakfast sushi. It was surprisingly yummy. I dare you to try it!

I did have a modicum of success in the kitchen yesterday, even though my almond butter was a #EPICFAIL.

I made more kale chips (I can’t keep them in the cupboard!!), and make some spicy zucchini chips…wait. What? You’d like the recipe? Sure thing!

super easy (and spicy!) zucchini chips

 Spicy Zucchini Chips


Okay…moving on. It’s good, y’all. You should try it. If you have been craving potato chips, these are WAY better. Just sayin’….

AND, I made raw almond milk. SO yummy!

Now to make some chia pudding…got a great recipe for that? Share it below!

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  1. ThaiHoa on January 27, 2012 at 4:32 pm

    Thanks for the shoutout, and yup still reading LOL! I just copied the recipe. Thanks.

    • breefawn on February 7, 2012 at 9:32 pm

      I am so glad you’re still there 🙂

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