Quick Barre Workouts You Can FINISH In 15 Minutes (OR LESS!)

I’m a mom, entrepreneur, and wife. Which means that I’m busy ALL.THE.TIME. But, having gained a ton fair bit of baby weight, I need to fit workouts into my day. I’m the kind of gal who would much rather spend her time doing other things since my boys are underfoot if I attempt to exercise at any point during the day. That means I need quick barre workouts!

7 Barre Workouts You Can FINISH In 15 Minutes (OR LESS!)

I’ve also figured out that during naps, the best I can hope for is a quick round on the elliptical…but I need something more. For my sanity. And my health. I need to get my muscle tone back. I miss running and feeling comfortable in my clothes. Well…  I miss being me. 

Quick Barre Workouts You Can FINISH In 15 Minutes (OR LESS!)


In order to “reclaim” myself, I’ve been committing to (here’s my saying yes again, not to toot my own horn…) getting in 10 to 15 minutes of additional exercise. What I’ve found is that I keep reaching for the same workouts…because, well, I enjoy them.

Only Have 10 Minutes?

Dia MethodThe Dia Method: 10 Minutes Flat Post-pregnancy Fitness System

I have to say that I ADORE this workout. I have done it so frequently that I have it mostly memorized, which is nice because I don’t always need the DVDs anymore. What I love that it’s super gentle, needing no more than a scarf or towel and resistance band.

And, this really does work! I’ve notice that my abs are slowly getting back to what they were before I carried a bowling ball around for 9 months.

Tracy Anderson: Method Express

I really like Tracy’s new DVD. I shouldn’t be surprised, since I’ve enjoyed the last few that she’s released. They aren’t nearly as intense as her earlier work, and this one rocks because it’s short. And I mean SHORT. This DVD actually has 6 separate “10-minute” workouts (I think the longest one is more like 8 minutes, though!) that allow you to work your arms, butt, abs, lower or upper body.

While I like that you can use all 6 for an hour workout (like I have time!), I love that you do get a good workout in with just the time given. I still have jell-o legs from the “lower body” workout I did 2 days ago. If you’re looking for a straight-up toning series, this would be a good choice.


This is basically a compilation DVD…that being said, if you’re short on time, this is a GREAT option. There are 60 10-minute workouts. Yes, they are broken down into 20-minute segments, but you can pause and do the rest later tomorrow. I like that the instruction is still voice-over for this, and it’s got a TON of options for workouts.

You can make this one workout series last 2 full months if you only do 10 minutes a day. That’s awesome in my book! And the exercises work. Though not as dynamic as say P57 or TAM, this is a solid option for a quick toning session.349-core-fusion-body-sculpt

Exhale Core Fusion Body Sculpt

Can you tell I like these workouts? They are one of the only barre options out there if you’re short on time! This particular DVD has 5 10-minute workouts. Yes, they are repeated on the 30-Day workout DVDs, but these segments end, whereas the other DVDs segments are cut together. It’s a good option, especially if you’re looking for a more full-body workout.



If you’re new to barre workouts, this is a fantastic option. With only ONE exercise per segment, this will give you a chance to really hone your skills…and make sure that you’re properly tucked. 

While some may find that having a DVD with 7 10-minute segments is tedious, I rather like the face that each “workout” is so hyper-focused. It allows you to concentrate on the workout AND the children that are hanging off your body.

Got A Bit Longer?

Tracy Anderson: Precision Toning

This DVD has 4 workouts that combine Tracy’s toning method along with a little bit of dance cardio. The workouts are fun, and I would say that these would be good for someone who has been exercising for a little bit. Not that a newbie couldn’t hang…but you may be really, really sore and curse stairs for a few days after doing this…not that I would know anything about that!

Tara Stiles This is Yoga DVD 2: Beginners Yoga for Everyone

I love Tara Stiles. LOVE HER. She knits. End of story. She also does yoga. While she’s not the best instructor if you don’t have any idea what you’re doing, if you have taken a few classes, the “Relaxed Easy-Going Flow” on this DVD ROCKS. It’s calming, heck, it may put you into a very relaxed state, but still a challenge if you execute the flow properly.

Now, if you realize at 10:00 p.m. that you missed your workout…and you’re ready for bed…and you don’t want to get amped up. Do yoga. It’s good for you.

Above all, find a workout (or type of workout) that you LOVE. That should keep you coming back for more.

What’s your favorite quick barre workouts?

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  1. Tara Manis on June 18, 2019 at 2:26 pm

    I’m not sure what I am doing wrong? I am probably not looking in the right spot here on your webpage, but I cannot find where the FREE workouts are and how to access them.
    Thank you for your help!

    • Erika on June 23, 2019 at 1:37 pm

      Hi! The workouts in this post aren’t free but if you’re looking for free workouts you can try this page. https://breagettingfit.com/free-workout-videos/ – If you look under “body” in the menu you’ll find the link there too. 🙂

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