Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Book & Workout Review

I’ve been torn about what to do about my weight loss. I’ve been doing my barre workouts, but I don’t always have time for a video. When I improvise, it’s usually late at night (okay 8:00…but I’m SO tired by the end of the day! Being a mommy is hard work!) and I’m too tired to count reps, let alone get creative with movement. I lost about 10 pounds, then it just STOPPED. Yesterday, the mailman delivered Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method.

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Book & Workout Review


Normally, I prefer a ‘live’ (read: DVD) demonstration so that I can be sure to get the movement correct. That being said, the book seems to have addressed all of my worries. Which is great!

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Book

Dance Cardio

 It comes with a DVD that not only demonstrates ALL of the exercises that she has included in the book but also outlines the two dance cardio segments.

Some reviewers felt that the inclusion of a DVD meant that Tracy would be running each 10-day workout sequence through completion. She doesn’t do that. I don’t really mind, though.

For a mom who has limited time on her hands, it was nice to have the DVD as a reference point, and the book for my actual workout. (Which I split into 3 segments today because of Smalls’ nap schedule).

I Don’t Have 45 Minutes

Because my day is never predictable, Tracy’s suggestion to schedule in her workouts for 45 to 90 minutes was just plain unrealistic for me. I realize that by splitting them up I’m not going to sweat as much, but WOW am I sore from just the muscular structure work!

I do like that the book provides a new challenge every 10 days. That will keep me entertained and hopefully speed up my progress toward a svelte new me!

Tracy Anderson 30-Day Method Book & Workout Review“Meal” Plan?

I haven’t tried the meal plan yet, partially because I need more calories that it provides because I’m nursing. Quite honestly, people need more than 900 calories in a day. I’m not in a position to run to the grocery right now…. The meal plan does have a vegetarian option, as well.

The recipes look simple, fresh (YAY!) and mostly raw (DOUBLE YAY!). I do plan on trying a few of them that I happen to have ingredients for, though.

Overall, I’m impressed with the thought that Tracy put into explaining her Method, the composition of the book (it’s a super-easy 2 hour read at the most), and her engaging style.

The Not-So-Great

Where this book loses points is the unrealistic (at least for me) expectation that I can just schedule 90 minutes a day uninterrupted. I have a 5-month-old. Interruptions are the story of my life (and I love every minute of them). The fact that Tracy was thoughtful enough to include a vegetarian option on her menu was great, too. Although I am worried about the EXTREMELY low caloric intake. Her workouts are taxing, and my body needs to recover.

I will definitely be modifying them.

My first impression is all around a good one. If you have the time (and an extra $25), this book is a nice compliment to other Tracy Anderson DVD workouts. (I have all but the dance cardio…this will be my first attempt since I’m not able to run right now).

The strength work had me grimacing, which I expected. And I enjoyed the fact that there were only 16 individual movements for this first 10 days. Looking ahead, the movements definitely get FAR more complicated, and I’m sure that my 20-minute-per-side workout will definitely become longer as the month goes on. I’m excited to see the changes, though!

Have you tried TAM 30-Day Method?



  1. Bee on January 7, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    Have you read through this blog Probably, but if not, you definitely should. She chronicles going through the book “by the book” exactly — go back and start reading from the beginning. She had great success with it, too.

    But, that said, I know someone who calculated the calories of the vegetarian plan and yeah, it’s way way way too low, even by Tracy’s standards — nobody reviewed it, clearly.

    Good luck!

    • breefawn on January 7, 2011 at 11:09 pm

      I will hop over and check it out. Thanks for the heads up! I agree with you that the vegetarian plan is extremely low. And that’s including eggs, which I do not eat. I think that I’ll stick with my mostly raw diet that I’ve got going right now. I’m sure that if you followed her plan you would lose quite a bit-but weight loss that fast is extremely hard to maintain. Thanks for sharing the link!

  2. Denise on January 7, 2011 at 10:28 pm

    Hope this works for you. I have the book and really like to do the cardio parts. I like that the segments are short perfect for any mom. Also Tracy says in her book that if you feel you are not eating enough calories to adjust your portion sizes so you will not starve. I can’t follow her menu though because I can’t really make meals just for myself.

    • breefawn on January 7, 2011 at 11:07 pm

      Me either! I am actually enjoying cooking what sounds good and is fresh right now. I have to remember that I’m feeding 2!

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