Happy Thursday, everyone! It feels like a good day to make some apricot creamsicles, don’t you think? Me too.
Apricot Creamsicles
- 4 ripe apricots, pitted and halved
- 8 pitted dates (soak them if they feel a little dry and drain the water)
- 1 ripe banana, peeled
- 1 tsp vanilla
- 1 1/2 cups coconut milk
You’ll also need a high speed blender (like this one) and some possicle molds (Smalls loves these Tovolo Groovy Ice Pop Molds).
To make your creamsicles, just toss everything in your awesome blender, and pulse until smooth. Pour carefully into your molds (don’t overfill), and pop them into the freezer for about 4-6 hours until nice and frozen.
You can also make these using other stone fruits such as peaches, pluots, plums…I have yet to find a combination that we don’t love. It’s also awesome with oranges, tangelos, and tangerines-just make sure that you de-seed them first and make sure to blend them on high.
To release the mold, run your creamsicles under tepid water for a minute or so, and they should come out quite easily. Enjoy!
Yum! This looks SO good! I need to get myself a Popsicle mold. 🙂
We love ours!
Those look super tasty!
They are awesome!! My son asks for these all the time 🙂
Those look like the epitome of summer yum. Delicious!
They are super yummy!