Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

Happy Monday, y’all! Or you two. Pretty sure that it’s just Thai and Irene out there. Love you both. MWAH. Moving on. So. I’ve got cramps.

Don’t you feel better now that you know that? I know that I feel SO much better having shared this tidbit with you. They suck. Seriously. I’m almost 100% positive that cramps suck WORSE after you’ve had a c-section. At least Smalls and I are both miserable. Poor baby is cutting his incisors and having a heck of a time at it.

Cramps Suck. Period.

So. Cramps. Not only are they leading me down a path toward definitely NOT-raw waffle sammiches (OH.MY.GOD. Another post, but OH.MY.GOD. These things are like crack…not that I’ve ever done crack, but I assume…it’s okay to assume, right? I can’t get enough of them…which reminds me of why I stopped making them….) and chocolate.

DEAR LORD, do I want chocolate. So I got creative. I’m currently totally in LOVE with my chia seed pudding recipes.

Remember Chia Pets? They totally rock. They were always, always on my Christmas list as a kid. Always. I wanted the elephant.

chia pet

AND, turns out, chia seeds are awesome. And they’re super healthy. BONUS!

They’re a great source of Omega-3, fiber and protein. Sign me up!!

So far, I’ve used them to make a strawberry pudding (YUM!), and tonight, I got creative and made myself some chocolate chia seed pudding. It rocked my world, y’all. And I think it’s gonna rock yours, too.

raw chia seed pudding

Raw Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding Recipe

  • 1 cup raw vanilla almond milkchia seed pudding recipe
  • 1/4 cup Chia Seeds
  • 3 tbsp raw cocoa powder
  • 1-3 tbsp raw honey (depending upon how sweet you like your pudding)
  • dash of mineral salt

So. Put everything in a bowl, adding the chia seeds last. Whisk until lumps disappear and everything is well blended. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. The longer it sits, the better it gets, trust me.

Then dig in! Enjoy a SUPER healthy, period-appropriate dessert.

Have you tried chia seed pudding?

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