Super Easy DIY Face Wash With Essential Oils

Last week I talked about my skin issues…and I’ve received so many emails from y’all. I’m touched. One of the questions that keep coming up: what do I use to wash my face. I prefer to use natural ingredients on my skin and that’s why I created this super easy DIY face wash with essential oils. I love that I can customize these recipes for changes in my skin. Skip right to the easy DIY face wash recipe. 

Super Easy DIY Face Wash With Essential Oils

I’ve talked previously about my love of oil cleansing, but I’ve found that I actually need to wash my face more often, so I mixed up some natural face wash to help keep my skin clear.

diy face wash

And you know what? It’s super, super easy to make, and even easier to customize! In my recipe, I use the following ingredients:

  • Castile soap, which is a concentrated soap made from plant oils
  • Sweet almond oil, which is commonly regarded as soothing for irritated skin
  • Frankincense helps to promote healthy skin
  • Citrus Fresh contains a number of citrus oils and acts as a kind of natural preservative
  • Lavender has soothing and calming benefits
  • Melrose supports healthy skin

DIY Face Wash

Super easy DIY face wash recipe ingredients

How To Make A DIY Face Wash

Gather your supplies, and make sure that your measuring cups, soap dispenser and measuring spoons are super, super clean (you don’t want any gunk getting in your face wash).

Add the ingredients to your soap dispenser in the order listed, give everything a good stir with a super clean spoon. Screw the lid on your dispenser and you’re ready to go!

You can use this recipe in either a standard soap pump or foaming pump. Just make sure that your container is glass, as the chemicals in plastics don’t like Citrus Fresh Essential Oil, and may start to degrade (not good).

Due to the nature of these ingredients, you’ll find that your face wash may separate, and that’s okay. Just give it a gentle shake before dispensing.

Your DIY face wash should hold for approximately 30 days. Keep an eye on it, and if it changes in color or smell, it’s time to dump it and make a new batch (so be sure to pin or bookmark this page so you can find it later!)

Super easy DIY Face Wash recipe

When To Use DIY Face Wash

I use this DIY face wash recipe every morning, as well as after my workout. I still use the oil cleansing method before bed at night to help maintain balance.

Remember to be patient with your essential oils-depending upon the viscosity of the oil, they may take a few seconds to come out. Some oils will dispense faster than others, and that is normal.

Depending on your skin, you may want to try using other base oils such as grapeseed or even castor oil. You can read more about which oils to use for which skin type HERE.


How do you wash your face? Do you use a DIY face wash?



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