Easy Paleo Spaghetti Squash Bolognese

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Me without pasta is never going to happen, but in the spirit of eating more whole foods, I decided to take a stab at using spaghetti squash in place of my normal whole wheat noodles. As an Italian girl, I’ll be honest: I wasn’t holding out much hope.

Have you ever had guilt-free noodles? You're about to with this spaghetti squash bolognese!
I’ve used spaghetti squash before, but I have never found a red sauce that I liked with it…until now.

Because of the nature of spaghetti squash, I knew that I needed to create a sauce that had some depth of flavor and wasn’t terribly sweet (I can’t be the only one who thinks that spaghetti squash is sweet, right?).

I’ve tried traditional marinara (too watery), pesto (absolutely wonderful), and even a version of alfredo sauce (total failure). Tonight, I thought I’d attempt a Bolognese…veggie-style.

The good news?

It turned out GREAT.

The bad news?

There aren’t any leftovers.

baked-spaghetti-squashSpaghetti Squash Bolognese

Spaghetti squash is so very versatile. This has to be one of my favorite preparations, but it can also be used to make this Paleo Pizza Casserole, which , if you haven’t tried, you must. Tomorrow. After you make this bolognese, of course! You did buy two….

What’s your favorite way to prepare spaghetti squash? Share it with me below!

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