How Are You Celebrating Mother’s Day?

Have sent your mom her present yet? Yeah. I kind of dropped that ball this year. I have some really awesome cards, but NO idea what to get my mom for a gift. See, it’s tricky.

Mother's Day

It’s not like I can just take her out to lunch (or dinner), because she lives a few thousand miles away. And that’s a problem…because Mother’s Day is this weekend. So I need to get creative.

Like yesterday. If I drop the card into the mail…it won’t get there until Monday. Of course, I could use an ecard…but that just doesn’t seem quite as personal to me.

See, here’s the thing. Moving away from my mom was one of the hardest things ever. I miss her every day, and I love where I live, but it’s just not the same. My mom is my rock and my best friend. And for Mother’s Day, I wanted to make sure that she knows that.

I could go shopping using Paypal’s Mother’s Day Shopping Deals at They have some amazing shops and have put together some great options!  I thought about purchasing a gift card using their Mother’s Day deals, but instead of doing that, I’m going to send mom money so that she can get a massage using my Xoom account. Because sending cash or a check in the mail just isn’t a good idea.

Xoom is a Paypal service that that offers immediate disbursement of funds-whether it’s to their account, through a money order or a card reload. And they can live anywhere in the world! Plus, you can track your money via SMS message, so you know exactly where it is, where it’s going, and when it got there.

I love being able to do something special for my mom without the stress. Sometimes life gets away from you, and when it does, you just have to be thankful for awesome technology and text messages!

What are you getting your mom for Mother’s Day?

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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