Ways To Naturally Correct A Hormone Imbalance

I have been cleansing this week because my hormones went a bit out of whack over the past month, so I started doing some research. Not surprisingly, hormone imbalance often begins (and ends) in the gut. See, your gut and your hormones control your health, and if they aren’t in balance, no matter what you do, you won’t be either. Which is what happened to me. I got lethargic, anxious, my skin was breaking out again…something was up.

6 Ways To Naturally Correct A Hormone Imbalance

So of course, I started researching. While I worked on that, I started a whole body cleanse. The cleanse is a way to clear out whatever crud is disguising the real issues, and give other methods a chance to work.

6 Ways To Naturally Correct A Hormone Imbalance

Fixing A Hormone Imbalance Naturally

As I was doing my research, a few things kept coming up. Herbs, Vitamin D, Caffeine…all things that I hadn’t been being super on top of. So obviously I did some more digging and I found that there were some things that needed adjustment.

Like everything, your body (and mine) is constantly changing and adapting, so what works right now may not work in 6 weeks, 8 months, or 2 years. It’s good to pay attention and adjust things as you need to.

Get Familiar With Adaptogen Herbs

If you know a good herbalist or naturopath who can find you one, consider using adaptogens. Adaptogens are basically herbs that work synergistically to support the body…especially the adrenals. You can read more about adaptogen herbs and your adrenals here.

Lower Your Caffeine Intake

I was really surprised to discover that too much coffee can cause major endocrine problems…which means hormone problems. Oops! I love a good cup of coffee, but when your body is out of balance (even though it feels like liquid adrenaline to this tired mama), it’s best for me to skip it.

I try to switch to drinking herbal tea, or (if I’m desperate) green tea.

Get Your Vitamin D Levels Checked

D3 is a precursor to hormone production (without it, your body will not produce adequate hormones), and much of the population is deficient, so it may be prudent to take a look and see where you stand.

I ended up adding a 5000 IU D3+K supplement to my routine and I’m feeling so much better!

Know Your Fats

Did you know that there are actually TWO types of omega fats? Omega-3 and Omega-6. Nature means for us to have a 50:50 balance of these fats, but due to chemically produced oils (safflower, canola, peanut, etc.), we are way, way over doing Omega-6 fats, and it’s causing big issues!

Coconut oil is a great way to get healthy fats, and consequently, it’s also great for your hormones. Butter, Ghee, Lard, and fatty fish are all great choices to make sure that you’re getting a balance of fats (and more Omega-3s!).

Get More Sleep

Oh, sleep. Mamas know. If you’re like me, you’re up before the sun, and you’re climbing into bed far after you should. The bad news? If you aren’t sleeping enough, your hormones will not be in balance. No matter what.

So do yourself a favor and shoot for at least 8 hours.

Start Gently (Or Back Off) Exercise

If you’re killing yourself at the gym, you may want to stop. Vigorous exercise can actually be detrimental to your hormones, especially if you are currently suffering from a hormone imbalance.

If you do exercise (you may not have the energy), do so gently. walking, yoga, and pilates are all good options.

It’s also okay to take a break-you may find that you honestly have no energy and need to sleep. That’s okay too. Your body is trying to repair itself. Resume {gentle} exercise once you feel up to it.

A Word About Supplements

I found that reevaluating my supplement routine was helpful. I ended up adding in some extras to help alleviate my hormone imbalance.


Magnesium has been called the most important mineral for a reason. Magnesium is key for a number of bodily functions, including sleep and energy.

If you’re magnesium deficient, you’ll want to start supplementation, which can be a bit confusing. You can take a powder, pills, or use a topical cream. Everyone has their own preferences, but if you’re severely deficient, studies show that topical magnesium has the fastest absorption rate.


Maca is actually a root in the radish family, and is high in fatty acids and minerals. I have been adding a scoop of maca powder to my shakes in the morning, and I have to say I like it!


Collagen is so good for you! And it’s necessary for healthy digestion, and helps support hormone production. I add a scoop to my smoothies (it’s tasteless) each morning.

It Takes A Village

Remember, you’re not in this alone. There are lots of women (and men…Hi!) out there who are dealing with hormone imbalance. Sometimes it just takes finding your village. Finding the team that will listen to you, trouble shoot, and not shake off your gut instincts when something isn’t right.

If you don’t have that right now, then you probably need to find another provider. I love my naturopath and herbalist, but there are many traditional doctors who will work with their patients, sometimes it takes a little time to find the right one.

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