8 Ways To Naturally Treat A Fire Ant Bite

Yesterday, I was setting up the boys’ new playhouse, and I felt a sting on my toe. I didn’t think I’d need to  treat a fire ant bite from it. Now, I know better than to walk out into our grass after a heavy rain without shoes…but I didn’t think. And I was barefoot. I looked down, and there were 4 fire ants crawling on my big toe. 

8 Ways To Naturally Treat A Fire Ant Bite

Or…they were trying to eat it and take it back to their queen. I think. Regardless, it hurt like the dickens. I immediately did what any sane parent does when their children are tired and waiting on their new toy…I brushed them off and finished assembling their house.

When I was done, I posted a picture of my lovely fire ant bite (at the time I could only see a large swollen area) on Instagram. And I asked for help.

Natural Fire ant bite remedies

And I got some great ones, so I thought I would share them with y’all!

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8 Fire Ant Bite Remedies

I’ve compiled all of the suggestions that I was given below. If you have tried any of these items, please leave me a comment and let me know how they worked for you! You could also try this DIY cooling mist to ease the pain.



Take a garlic clove and cut it in half, then rub the “wet” half of the clove over the bite.


Take a 50/50 solution of ACV or white vinegar and water and gently rub it over the fire ant bite.

Baking Soda

Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply it to the affected area.


Using a cotton ball, place the ammonia directly on the bite to neutralize the acid.

Arnica Gel

Apply directly to bite to help ease the swelling and tame the sting.

Banana Peels

Apply the inside of the peel to the fire ant bite.


Apply deodorant to the fire ant bite to help reduce the itching.

Sometimes nothing works, or you need a combination of things. I am so glad to have a full arsenal at my disposal for the next time this happens. Because, well, Texas. Get your own fire ant bites with these Texas hiking trails.


What is your go-to fire ant bite remedy?

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  1. Melody Wooldridge on May 19, 2016 at 11:20 am

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    • Brea on May 19, 2016 at 11:51 am

      Oh dear! Email me: breagettingfit@gmail.com and I’ll make sure you get it!

    • Brea on May 19, 2016 at 12:03 pm

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  2. Lori Ryan on October 21, 2019 at 8:43 am

    Warm the area around the fire ant bite with a hair dryer. Stops the itch for hours and if you do it two or three times the itch is gone for good!

  3. Peg on July 18, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    Put lavender oil on it! It works

  4. Mary jo on July 2, 2021 at 8:47 pm

    Vinegar is my go to remedy soak for 1 hour, pat dry let the air get to then apply lavender oil as needed. Wait until they get a white pipple and pop it with a clean needle to remove the venom. Then apply tea tree oil.

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