Spinal flexibility can decline as you age, which also usually causes back pain. As you get older, the joints in your spine typically become less flexible than they once were.
In addition, decreased spinal flexibility can occur following an injury from sports (like my big debut), an automobile accident, or other injury. These simple stretches for back pain can be used to improve the health of your back if you currently experience a lot of spinal pain.
While these exercises may seem extremely difficult at first, the more you practice them, the easier and more relaxing they will seem.
Forward Bends
This exercise is typically seen in many yoga and Pilates practices. It can be performed standing up or sitting on the ground by lowering the back in a straight line towards the feet. How far you are able to stretch depends on flexibility, and should improve with regular practice.
Don’t worry about how far you can reach. Some may only be able to reach their ankles, while others will be able to wrap their hands around the feet.
Cobra is a yoga move designed to arch the back and is performed while lying on the belly. With the palms at the level of the shoulders, push off the floor vertebra by vertebra for a great stretch in your mid back and abdomen.
Do not push yourself too far. You should feel a gentle stretch. If you feel pain, stop. If you’re like me, you may need to employ the use of a yoga block (or an Unbloc like mine) or two to help you gain proper alignment.
Thoracic Twists
Thoracic twists help with side-to-side rotation of the spine, and should be used in combination with extension-based exercises, like the Cobra and forward bend.
Thoracic twists are sometimes called “beauty queens,” and can be performed while sitting cross-legged on the floor and rotating your spine slowly from side-to-side as far as possible.
They can also be done while standing with the arms extended as the right hand reaches for the left foot and vice versa.
These are done several different ways in many Pilates practices. A classic roll-up is performed with the legs to the chest, the arms around the legs, and the head and neck bent toward the chest. Keep the feet balanced above the floor at the end of every roll-up.
The Seal is another option, in which the arms are wrapped around the legs and feet, and the feet are clapped three times at the end of each roll-up.
Do what you can now to keep the spine flexible, decrease pain, and improve your range of motion. These four exercise are great for people of all ages who want to create a strong and healthy back.
This article was written by Brooke Chaplan. She says a personal injury attorney like the Fannin Litigation Group, P.S. is vital for solving legal and financial problems related to many accidental spinal injuries and conditions. You can contact her via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.