Weight Loss Misconceptions

Weight Loss Misconceptions

Raise your hand if you have a weight loss guru on your Facebook feed? You know what I’m talking about…that mom or friend who friended you so they could talk all about how amazing this nutritional cleansing is, or this new Beachbody workout…the one spreading weight loss misconceptions around like the flu. Weight Loss Misconceptions I…

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Why You Should Know Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

how to find your BMR

Basal Metabolic Rate.. what is it? Is this something we should know? Let me share how to find your BMR! Hey, there. I recently had a rather…ummmm…frustrating revelation. I stopped losing weight, and for a gal who gained 50+ pounds per baby, well, that’s not good. So I did some soul searching and discovered that…

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