Posts Tagged ‘diet’
The Fiber Flush Effect
Yesterday (and a lot of days) I found myself at Target for a quick run to get a few necessities. You know, bananas, tampons, colored pencils, a potted plant, new throw pillows, and approximately 67 things from the Dollar Spot. (Believe me we’re getting to the fiber flush effect here.) The Fiber Flush Effect I’m…
Read MoreHow to Use Chia Seeds
I grew up in the 80s, and I remember when chia seeds were the rage because that was how you grew hair on your Chia Pet. Remember those? I can still hear the “cha-cha-cha-chia!” jingle in my head. But if you’re trying to find out how to use chia seeds that’s not the method I’m going…
Read MoreTrim Healthy Mama Fuel Pull Guide
I’ve been a fan of the Trim Healthy Mama way of eating for a while now. Trim Healthy Mama really revolutionized the way I looked at food and the way I put together my meals. The fuel pull guide is no exception. Trim Healthy Mama Fuel Pull Guide I’ve explained previously how I meal plan…
Read MoreBenefits of a Vegetarian Pregnancy
Is it safe to be a vegetarian while you are pregnant? Many mom-to-be ask this. This is because many mothers worry about the effects it might have on the development of their unborn baby and if there are benefits of a vegetarian pregnancy. Benefits of a Vegetarian Pregnancy When a mom-to-be thinks about a vegetarian…
Read MoreSugar, It’s Time to Break Up (+ Why YOU Need to Take A Sugar Break, Too)
Have you ever tried to wean yourself completely off sugar? I have, and it’s not pretty. The withdrawal symptoms are intense. At times it literally feels like you have the flu – aches, chills, fevers, and on top of ALL THAT, an insatiable craving for the sweet stuff. You’re certainly not the only sugar fiend…
Read MoreYou Should Never Use Weight Loss Rewards
How do you celebrate your weight loss goals? For me, I realized (as I was sitting down to drinks with my wonderful husband to celebrate my 15 pound loss over this past month) that I always always celebrate with food. And usually “cheat” foods. You Should Never Use Weight Loss Rewards While this isn’t the worst thing…
Read MoreCreamy Ranch Pork Chops {In My Instant Pot!}
So why Creamy Ranch Pork Chops? Well, because you can never have enough ranch. At least, not in this house. My boys would bathe in ranch dressing if I let them. And since starting Trim Healthy Mama (this is an S meal, by the way), I’ve been trying hard to incorporate our favorites while staying…
Read MoreTrim Healthy Mama Meal Plan Cheat Sheet
Let’s get one thing straight: the Trim Healthy Mama meal plan is not a diet. It’s a total overhaul of your relationship with food…and I am loving it. But, when you’re just starting out, the “rules” can be daunting. Really daunting. Add to that the use of stevia and many people run in the other direction.…
Read MoreLow Carb Baking Blend Mix Recipe
Over Thanksgiving, I was introduced to some amazing okra brownies made with a low carb baking blend mix recipe. Y’all. They were TO.DIE.FOR. And I hate okra. Seriously hate it. It’s right up there with spiders and snakes in my book. Just NO. Click here to skip right to the recipe. Low Carb Baking Blend…
Read More7 Days of My Whole30: Week 1
I survived my first 7 days of the Whole30! I feel like I should get a prize…but my usual celebration is a cookie, which is most definitely out. So…I grabbed a new pair of yoga pants. A mom can never have too many yoga pants, right? Whole30 Day 1 Breakfast: Bacon and egg cupcakes with…
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