Posts Tagged ‘Easy Paleo’
Gluten Free, Paleo Dutch Baby Recipe {THM S}
I have such fond memories of my mom making me Dutch Babies on Easter morning, so this year, I decided to try my hand at making an (edible) paleo Dutch Baby. Skip to the recipe. Gluten Free, Paleo Dutch Baby Recipe {THM S} You read that right-one that all of my boys would happily eat.…
Read MoreGluten Free Pumpkin Apple Spice Muffins
I received a box of Motivator Muffin Mix from FitBodyBakery in exchange for this post. In case you haven’t noticed, it’s fall. I love fall. Pumpkin and apples…and when you put them together. Holy.Cow. Or rather, holy muffins, in this case! So, I had planned to make some super-yummy “carmel” apple spice muffins…using applesauce. Color…
Read MoreNoodle-Free Chicken Soup
It’s fall…technically anyway. If you live in Texas, it’s more like extended summer right now, what with the 95 degree temperatures! Normally, I don’t pull out my chicken soup recipe until at least mid-November, but we had a “crisp” 80 degree day, so I decided to make an exception. The only problem? Last time I…
Read MoreWeekly Workouts: Week 2
Hey there! So. Last week I braved roller derby. And I’m pretty sure that they were trying to kill me. Also, remind me to skip doing legs the morning I have roller derby, okay? Because that is a horrible, horrible idea. HORRIBLE. Trust me on this one. As much as I didn’t want to workout…
Read MoreStop Making Excuses. How to Start Getting Healthy NOW.
Don’t you wish you had affordable short-cuts to make healthy living easier? Are you tired of trying to make a Whole Foods lifestyle work on a Trader Joe’s budget? I get it. You want the best for your family. You want to raise healthy kids, have strong immune systems, be more fit and energetic, and…
Read MorePaleo Shrimp Fried Rice Recipe
Happy Labor Day! Do you ever just crave takeout? Or more specifically, foods that you really, really should not eat? Or maybe it’s one specific food. For me, I tend to crave fried rice. And not the healthy kind, y’all. The kind that I used to get at Safeway on my lunchbreak-packed with MSG and mystery…
Read MoreGluten Free Apple Zucchini Muffins
This is a sponsored post. All opinions (however irrelevant) are mine. Y’all know I love Texas. Like, seriously. Possibly more than I love the boys…okay, maybe as much as I love them. There’s just something magical about this state. And if you don’t live here, you really won’t get it. So I’ll try to explain it.…
Read MoreWhat Is Paleo? A Beginners Guide
I am so excieted to introduce you to Lindsay from The Flynnigans! (and no, I did not pay her) Hi there! I’m Lindsay from The Flynnigans and today I am guest posting for Brea, an awesome woman, mom, blogger AND MENTOR (that’s right, I said you’re my mentor, Brea!). Not only does she write relevant,…
Read MoreTips For Doing The Whole30 With KIDS
When people posted on my Instagram feed asking me if my kids were doing Whole30 with me, it gave me pause. I’d really never thought that they wouldn’t do the challenge. You totally can do Whole30 with kids! Tips For Doing The Whole30 With KIDS After all, I’m the one that prepares, cooks, and serves the meals…
Read MoreEasy Apricot Orange Marinade & A Brussels Sprouts Recipe
Ish got a new grill this week. It was time. Because, well, we didn’t have a grill. In fact, we haven’t had a grill in nearly 3 years! Like I said, it was time. I was over the moon when our brand spankin’ new Weber Charcoal Grill. This meant we could grill chops, ribs, and…
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