Tips for Healthy Living (Without Actually Hitting The Gym)

Say it with me: your health is important. Healthy living is important. Like really important. We all know this. But we often don’t know how to change our habits… or it seems like it’s just not worth it. Or it’s way too hard. Tips for Healthy Living (Without Actually Hitting The Gym) Listen. I totally…

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Why You Need The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

healthy living bundle

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by healthy living? It’s not that you don’t understand or agree with why it matters. You’re sold on the merits of eating whole foods, raising healthier kids, avoiding toxins and chemicals, getting fit, and using alternative remedies. But sometimes it’s a whole lot easier to say than to actually do,…

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DIY Remineralizing Tooth Powder

DIY remineralizing tooth powder

SO. I ran out of toothpaste this weekend. And, because necessity is the mother of invention, I decided that rather than run to the local grocery I would make my own. Turns out, toothpaste has a pretty heavy competitor in the natural community…tooth powder. Who knew (I mean, obviously someone knew…just not me!)? Click here…

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Your New Year’s Resolution Won’t Work (& How You Can Change That)

Your New Year's Resolution Don't Work (& How You Can Change That)

It’s that time of year again-we’re all gearing up for the New Year…making the same New Year’s resolution, setting the same goals, sketching out the same awesome plans. At least, I know that I am. And I’m pretty sure that if you’re reading this, you’re probably thinking about your New Year’s resolution. Or a few of them.…

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