I can’t move my arms! No, really. Okay, okay…maybe I’m being a touch overdramatic, but seriously, people! This is PAINFUL! Yesterday, I got it in my head to do Tracy Anderson Precision Toning…not the most fabulous idea I’ve ever had.
Tracy Anderson Precision Toning is HARD.
Not that I expect anything less from Tracy, but I was shocked at the intensity, since it’s being marketed as ‘for beginners’ (read: ME. Once upon a time I was doing Tracy’s workouts like they were no big thang…then I had the boys and well…I lost it. *sigh*). So.
If You Only Have 15 Minutes
The DVD is broken into 4 15-minute segments: arms, legs, butt, and abs. I opted to do 30-minutes, and did a pick-and-choose: arms and abs (it hurts to laugh, in case you’re wondering). Basically, it was the most fun I’ve had working out in a long time.
Seriously, this chick makes those 15 minutes fly. The arms section is intended as a warm up for the entire DVD, and consists of ‘free arms’ for about 8 minutes, followed by a section using 3 and 5 lb. weights (WAIT. HOLD THE PHONE. Miss “never more than 3 pounds”?? Yeah, I know. She claims that it’s because this DVD is getting you ready for Meta…I don’t buy it.).
This HURTS. But in a good “my muscles may tear off the bone, but I can feel them changing” kind of way.
Once my arms had the solidity of jell-o, I moved on to abs…again, this section FLEW by. (honestly, I love the whole DVD, but have nowhere near the stamina to complete it all at once right now). You spend approximately 8 minutes doing various crunches that incorporate your legs at different angles, and then move to planks.
There are no knees on the floor here, ladies. Tracy is not one to modify. So prepare yourself to plank for 7 minutes in various positions. It hurts. A LOT. But so worth it.
So, should you buy the DVD? For less than $10, this is a great, solid daily workout, and a killer deal. If you haven’t already, pick up a copy of Tracy Anderson: Precision Toning before Amazon raises their prices!!
Now I’m off to apply Panaway and Deep Relief to my entire body. Ouch.