Why You Should Exercise During Your Period

This post is sponsored by U by Kotex®. All opinions as always are my own. 

It’s no secret that life has been crazy busy for me this last year. Between a full-time job, my side gigs, being a mom to an elementary kid (how did that happen?!) and a toddler tornado, trying to spend some quality time with Ish, plus this little blog, life is full!

Unfortunately, in the busyness, I let a few things slide – namely my eating habits and my personal fitness. And that’s no good for a few reasons.

First, if the title doesn’t give it away enough, this is a fitness blog. Taking care of myself is the whole point!

Second, when I get out of the routine of eating healthfully and exercising, my energy levels plummet and my cravings increase. This makes it even harder for me to make healthy decisions the next day. And the next. And before I realize it, I’m in a vicious cycle of not having the energy to take care of myself, but not being able to get the energy without taking care of myself.

See my dilemma?

Why You Should Exercise During Your Period

That’s why I decided to think through some of my top excuses for skipping my workouts – and ways to get over the hump!

Find Your Fitness At Home

Like I said, we are super busy. There are many days when I look over my to-do list and schedule and there simply aren’t any thirty-minute blocks where I can get in a full workout. I used to just throw up my hands and give up. 

Not anymore. I’m committed to making sure that I fit in fitness-even if that means doing mini workouts.

It’s so tempting to just skip any workout on these days with the promise of catching up tomorrow. Don’t do it.

Instead embrace the “mini-workout.” It may not be ideal but there are tons of ways to sneak in little pockets of fitness throughout your day.

Set a Timer

Make a commitment to get up and move once per hour. Get up and spend 1-5 minutes doing jumping jacks, marching around your house, holding a plank as long as you can, or even just doing a little stretching.

Make a Fit Choice

On those days when you’re busy running errands, look for small ways to move more. Park at the back of the grocery store parking lot and jog your cart to and from the store as quickly as possible (The Baby thinks this is hilarious!).

Choose the stairs rather than the elevator. Don’t utilize the drive-thru window, and instead run into the pharmacy.

The Pairing Rule

For those tasks you are going to do most every day, think of a way to pair them with a small workout. Do squats as you load the dishwasher. Try to vacuum while doing lunges.

Do leg lifts while you brush your teeth. Maybe even put a small set of dumbbells in the car to do some bicep curls while you wait in the dreaded carpool line.

Get creative and I bet you can quickly figure out a way to get 20 minutes of exercise in even on the craziest of days!


April showers bring May flowers…but in the process, they really suck my motivation from me. The gray, dreary days just make me want to cuddle up on the couch with a good book or binge watch some Netflix when I have downtime.

That’s why I decided to put to the side some of my favorite workout videos just for rainy days. I just came up with this idea this year, and so far I think it’s genius.

Knowing that I have to wait for a rainy day to do the workouts I find the most fun is perfect – and at this time of year, I still get plenty of opportunities to do them.

Exercise During Periods

In truth, if there is any time of the month to be exercising, this is the one! Studies have shown that exercise can help reduce annoying symptoms like bloating & cramps.

Plus, the endorphins you get during a workout are great mood-boosters, helping to offset any crankiness from PMS.

If you’re worried about leaks, check out the U by Kotex® FITNESS* line

U by Kotex® really put some thought into designing these new products to move with you, especially while you workout, and they’ve basically done away with any excuses you may have.

Nothing (not even your period) should get in the way of fitness.

Excuse-Proof Your Gym Bag

Quick warning for the men or easily squeamish: we’re going there today. This is your last chance to turn back if you don’t want to read about menstruation.

Let’s be real – when I’m on my period I feel bloated and crampy, I want to eat all.the.things, and the last thing I want to worry about is leaks due to extra movement from exercise.

I’d much rather choose this week to take it easy, but I know that there are real benefits to exercising when I really don’t want to. 

To make sure that I can’t make excuses during my period, I make sure that my gym bag is always prepared.

That means that I keep U by Kotex® FITNESS* liners, pads, and tampons in a zippered pouch so that they’re always there. Durable, compact, and discreet, FITPAK* is designed to keep your tampons ready for use, wherever you stash them.

U by Kotex® Ultra Thin Pads

The U by Kotex® ultra thin pads are really that – ultra thin. Plus the actual pad shape is designed to fit and flex with your body, to stay in place so you don’t have to (plus it feels way more flexible than your average pad).

U by Kotex® Fitness Tampons

The U by Kotex® FITNESS* Tampons are awesome as well. They’re compact but expand in all directions to protect from leaks so well. I feel like I could do any type of workout wearing one without having to worry about leaks.

Plus, they come with a discreet FITPAK* to fill and throw in your gym bag or purse. This brilliant thing is durable, compact, and discreet, FITPAK* is designed to keep your tampons ready for use, wherever you stash them.

Why You Should Exercise During Your Period

Now, if only U by Kotex® had a solution for my chocolate craving, I’d be all set!

Find your FITNESS* and get a free sample at .

Keeping period products in your gym bag also ensures that when one of your friends needs something you’ve got her covered, too.

Reusable Water Bottle

I also keep a collapsible water bottle so that I don’t have to turn around and run home (or use the water fountain) if I forget mine at home.

Healthy Fuel

I love Rx Bars, and I always keep a couple on hand in case my workout makes me hangry. It’s not far to get home, but when you’re starving a stoplight can feel like it’s your worst enemy.

Deodorant & Dry Shampoo

I keep a deodorant mini and a bottle of dry shampoo in my bag in case I get a little overzealous (and a little stinky). On days when I don’t want to use the gym shower (which is basically every day), these two items are lifesavers.

Listen To Your Body

If you’re really hurting, exerting yourself may be the last thing you want to do. I get it. When you feel like you’re dying, exercise is the last thing on your mind. Instead of pushing hard on these days, consider gentle stretching or even a quick yoga flow to help with cramps and bloating.

When you feel better, it’s much easier to get back into the swing of things if you’ve got your gym bag ready to go.

To make sure that you are covered no matter the time of the month, I’ve partnered with U by Kotex® FITNESS* to giveaway their brand new line of products! Just enter to win below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What stops you from exercising?

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