Put A {delicious} Stop To Chipmunk Cheek Stuffing

Are you tired of your baby stuffing their cheeks at meal time? Try a new texture from GerberChewU! #Ad

This post is sponsored by GERBER® From a developmental perspective, chewing is a huge milestone! But if you don’t teach your baby how to chew…it can be scary. Ideally, you would be able to offer a gradual texture progression as you introduce purees to help your baby make an easy transition to actual solids…. I know…

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The Comprehensive Guide To Baby Led Weaning

Is your baby ready to start solids? If so, consider baby led weaning. It's safe, fun, and your baby gets to experience real food right away!

I’m feeling slightly sentimental since The Baby’s first birthday. Yup. He’s not a baby anymore…. So rather than cry about it (I’ve done enough of that this month!), I figured I’d reminisce. Because…well, he’s my last baby! *sniff* I have had a lot of moms ask me about starting solids, and many are surprised to…

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