Posts Tagged ‘Baby Led Weaning’
Put A {delicious} Stop To Chipmunk Cheek Stuffing
This post is sponsored by GERBER® From a developmental perspective, chewing is a huge milestone! But if you don’t teach your baby how to chew…it can be scary. Ideally, you would be able to offer a gradual texture progression as you introduce purees to help your baby make an easy transition to actual solids…. I know…
Read MoreThe Comprehensive Guide To Baby Led Weaning
I’m feeling slightly sentimental since The Baby’s first birthday. Yup. He’s not a baby anymore…. So rather than cry about it (I’ve done enough of that this month!), I figured I’d reminisce. Because…well, he’s my last baby! *sniff* I have had a lot of moms ask me about starting solids, and many are surprised to…
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